Minority Voices Are Absolutely Marginalized… By The Left When They Disagree

Legendary Boxer Floyd Mayweather has stepped up in defense of Kyrie Irving, who finds himself at the center of the left’s ire due to his stance against vaccine mandates. Mayweather said in a viral Twitter post: The responses to Mayweather’s heartfelt gesture of support are incredibly telling and expose the absolute hypocrisy of the left and the media on “marginalizing minority voices”. The left’s commitment to champion “marginalized voices” seems to only apply when you say what they want you to say.

In a video posted to Twitter, Mayweather addressed Kyrie Irving directly,

“Kyrie, what’s up? I know you’re going through a lot. We had a chance to hang out in 2016, when you represented America – when you represented the Red, White, and Blue. You only want to be treated fairly,”

“America is the land of the free. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and supposedly, freedom to choose. Never be controlled by money,”

“I respect you for having some integrity and being your own man. A free mind makes his own choices, and an enslaved mind follows the crowd. Stand for something or fall for anything. One man can lead a revolution to stand up and fight for what’s right. One choice, one word, one action can change the world. It’s crazy how people hate you for being a leader. I hope your actions encourage many others to stand up and say, ‘enough is enough.’ Respect to you Kyrie and power to the people.”

Mayweather isn’t the only unexpected source of support for the embattled Brooklyn Nets player either. A unifying cause is an interesting thing, and it would seem that the Biden-Harris regime, which in spite of largely failing to unite the American people on their terms, could be uniting us against them. The intellectual diversity of the demonstrators outside Barclay’s Center where the Nets play in Brooklyn was incredible.

TheBlaze reported,


The New Political Norm, If You Don’t Agree: You Don’t Exist

It’s become a political norm. The Democrats who have with arguable success usurped the mantle of ‘protectors of the oppressed’ and the party of black America from the Republicans, the party that merely freed the slaves and pioneered Civil rights legislation, really have two types of relationships with prominent black Americans. If you agree with them: they love you and want you to appear with the as often as possible. If you don’t… well.. then you’re a “token” black person like influencers Diamond and Silk or Conservative Radio host James T. Harris, or you’re an “Uncle Tom” like Thomas Sowell, Dr. Ben Carson, or Rap Artist Bryson Gray whose “Let’s Go Brandon” is topping iTunes Charts right now, or you’re just insane, mentally unbalanced or a traitor to your race, as they’ve said about Kanye West for years now in spite of his walk back from supporting President Trump.

Quite simply, the Democrat party has no place for black Americans who do not buy their narratives whole-cloth, who refuse to toe the party line. There is nowhere in their America for successful minorities who refuse to consider themselves victims due to their heritage or genetics. If you do not merely accept but embrace your victimhood and that your only salvation comes from the Biden-Harris regime and the Democrat-Socialists in Congress then they just have no use of you. And of course, you must be destroyed in all ways rhetorical. You need to be canceled, silenced, and yes: MARGINALIZED.

Just remember what Joe Biden told Charlamagne Tha God on The Breakfast Club. If you’re not sure who you should be voting for “You ain’t black”.