Victory in Virginia

It was a bruising night for Democrats across America. But, nowhere was the shock bigger than in the state of Virginia. Political newcomer, Republican businessman Glenn Youngkin defeated former governor and Democrat operative Terry McAuliffe. As of this morning, Youngkin had 50.7% of the vote to McAuliffe’s 48.6%, with 95% of the vote counted. Republicans also flipped the Virginia House, and appear to have won the Lt. Governor and Attorney General elections as well.

Turns out, Virginia is once again for lovers… of Liberty.

Youngkin ran on a campaign of parental rights, and individual liberties. McAuliffe ran on a campaign of “Big Government knows better than you do, so sit down, and shut up.” That, by the way is the same mindset of most Democrats in elected office from San Francisco’s Chesa Boudin to New York City’s Bill DeBlasio. That message has never worked with with Americans, so it’s confusing as to why Democrats keep going back to it.

A socialist was defeated in Buffalo by a write in candidate. In Minneapolis, voters refused to defund the police. In New York City, voters elected a moderate Democrat who ran on a law and order platform.

Even in New Jersey, a state Joe Biden won last year by 16 points, it’s essentially tied with 97% of the vote counted. It is looking like incumbent Democrat Phil Murphy will squeak by reelection as the absentee votes continue to be counted.

As we’ve been saying on the show in recent weeks, the Democrats may say they have a mandate, but they don't have anything close to a mandate. (And given woke linguistic gymnastics, shouldn’t that be “persondate?”) Last night’s election results prove that’s true. Most Americans don’t like the ideas the socialist left are trying to ram through Congress and state houses from coast to coast. Most Americans don’t like the teaching of Critical Race Theory in our schools. Most Americans don’t want more government spending to increase inflation. Most Americans don’t like the price of gas at the pump right now. Most Americans don’t like the massive disruptions to our supply chain and at our major ports. Most Americans don’t like the rising crime and the lack of enforcement of our most basic laws. Most Americans don’t like the chaos at the border. And, most Americans realize that Democrats are the main cause of all of these problems.

The big question now is, “how will Democrats adjust?” Will they act like Bill Clinton did in 1993 and moderate his positions to be closer to what most Americans actually want, or will they act like Barack Obama in 2011 and double down on their socialist deconstruction of what America is and what she represents in the long history of the world? If they continue to push the priorities of the far left; of AOC, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar; of the Loudon County School Board, they will not only do tremendous damage to the country, they will only increase the shellacking they’ll take at the polls next November.

Stephen Parr