2021: The Year Democrats Annihilate Women
Source: James McNellis - Washington, DC, United States - Wikimedia Commons
As you read this, the Democrat-Socialists in power are working feverishly to annihilate the very existence of women from our laws, or public announcements, indeed any political or cultural life whatsoever. Efforts began under a House Rules Change from Speaker Nancy Pelosi in January regarding “Gender Neutral Language”, that Democrats claimed would "honor all gender identities by changing pronouns and familial relationships in the House rules to be gender-neutral." Effectively, it precluded women and men from being referred to distinctly in future laws. And now those efforts are expanding under the $3.5 Trillion budget reconciliation proposal the Biden-Harris regime is attempting to push through Congress.
According to Heritage.org, “For instance, the text on “Maternal Mortality” (Part 4 of Subtitle J of Title III) consists of 15 sections that appropriate funds for a range of grants and programs for research and education on women’s health. And yet, in these sections discussing mothers who might face high-risk conditions related to childbearing, we find gender-neutral terminology repeated 18 times in more than half of the 15 sections: “pregnant, lactating, and postpartum individuals.”
The Washington Times reports, “The Lancet’s September 25th cover is even more disturbing. It features a single, stark quote on white background, reducing women to “bodies with vaginas.” The legislative impact is unmistakable. “A simple word search of existing law turns up 96 references to “pregnant women” already in the federal code. A search for “women” turns up 1,118 references. And then, just last month—with few precedents—this changes.”
How can this possibly be interpreted, through their own rhetorical devices as anything other than the “dehumanization” of women?
Let’s talk about one of the activist left’s favorite hang-ups of late: “Dehumanizing Speech”. According to Twitter, their “Dehumanizing Speech” policy prohibits,
“content that dehumanizes others based on their membership in an identifiable group, even when the material does not include a direct target.” It expands upon Twitter’s existing hateful conduct policy prohibiting users from threatening violence or directly attacking a specific individual on the basis of characteristics such as race, sexual orientation, or gender. Twitter’s users, especially women and minority groups, long have complained that the company’s rules have been ineffective and inconsistent in addressing harassment and abuse.”
These actions undertaken by Congress (many say at the direction of the LGBTQ+ community) are absolutely dehumanizing “others based on their membership in an identifiable group”. Women, of course, are an identifiable group, both biologically and genetically, as well as socially. While gender is absolutely NOT a “social construct” as leftist revisionists would try to sell you, but a binary biological truth, there is certainly a social aspect to womanhood that is also being obliterated quite literally at the government level. What it means to be a woman is being dissected clumsily into the mere biological functionality of a woman.
Describing women as “pregnant, lactating, and postpartum individuals” is no less misogynistic, dehumanizing and offensive than describing them as ‘barefoot and pregnant’.
A woman is no more the sum of her biological capacities than she is the sum of the traditional domestic role of the Western woman in the early twentieth century. And a role that, we might add, has expanded for better or worse, nowhere more rapidly than here in the United States, where Ma’ Kettle became Rosie the Riveter only to flip back into the home as Mrs. June Cleaver, over the course of a mere thirty years. Now, our federal government, spurred to action by an extremely vocal minority, made mighty in the halls of politics by In virtute victimae (“the power of the victim”) has seen fit to render a sacrifice to the woke Gods on the altar of political correctness. And that sacrifice, is the legal legacy, the historical context, the special protections, and the cultural significance of what it means to be an American woman.
We as a society once placed women upon a platform, in reverence. Women weren’t excluded from the workplace purely due to a man’s desire to exclude her from it, but from the belief that she shouldn’t need to be sullied by it. Granted, in less than ideal scenarios, women worked in factories and shops all the way back to our nation’s founding, but whenever possible a man always aspired to enable his wife to concentrate on the higher matters of raising the family. Women entering the workplace alongside men in earnest were met with mixed feelings, some good, some bad. But we don’t hear about the good anymore, only that men were wrong and bigoted. And now that women have achieved so much that they can look back proudly on a world where they are in every meaningful, intellectual fashion a man’s equal, they face annihilation, to be expunged from our laws and histories. Replaced by not who they are now, or who they’ve been, merely reduced to what they can do.
We owe better than “birthing persons” to our grandmothers, our mothers, our sisters, our wives, and our daughters and granddaughters.