A Managed Decline We Could’ve Stopped.

Rush Limbaugh hasn’t even been dead a year, but his words warning us of the “managed decline” of America in the hands of a Democrat-Socialist regime echo through the empty store aisles all over the country tonight.

"If federal support is needed, I'll direct all appropriate action, and if the private sector doesn't step up, we're going to call them out and ask them to act," Biden said on Wednesday.

This isn’t a new concept, it has been on the minds and tongues of conservative writers, talkers, and businessmen for decades, the problem is simply this: we haven’t been able to do anything about it. And the establishment GOP? They’ve been able, but they haven’t been willing.

Secretary Pete Buttigieg told Bloomberg “These challenges are definitely going to continue in the months and years ahead,”

In the four years that Donald Trump was President of the United States, and especially in the first two from 2016-2018 a lot was accomplished, but so very, very much more could’ve and should’ve been done. There is absolutely no rational reason that every policy goal the GOP ever had was not rammed through the government in the first two years of President Trump’s term. Instead, they lost control of the House in 2018 and the momentum was gone, from that point forward only bills blessed by the Democrats could move. As a result so much of what President Trump needed to do, had to be accomplished through Executive Orders, all of which died an ignominious death on day one of the Biden-Harris regime. All that has kept the backslide in check has been two Democrat Senators: Manchin and Sinema who refuse to budge on the Filibuster.

To borrow a phrase from Die Hard III, in 2016 if you were the Republicans in Congress “You could steal city hall”, but they didn’t… they chose not to use the power the American people had given them. Just as some RINO Republicans have done for decades. These RINOS just didn’t have the strength of their convictions. They were cowards.

Think about it: the media were so thoroughly wrapped up in President Trump’s Twitter and the RussiaGate scam that Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, had they an ounce of courage or a cell of gray matter betwixt them could’ve reversed the “managed decline” to such an extent that it would be impossible for Biden to now reverse course and get straight back to the glide path to a second-class world power that Barack Obama charted for our nation in 2008 and a pivot to globalism as the alternative.

COVID19, through whatever provenance the virus came, radically accelerated what was already well underway. The consolidation of power into the Federal government and away from the states, massive government entitlement programs, and a shove toward a socialist uni-party rule blessed through cooperation with the UN, the EU, and the Chinese Communist Party. The dissolution of America’s military supremacy to bankroll massive domestic entitlement spending and the end of the US as a manufacturing and innovative state. That’s managed decline. And the leaders of the establishment GOP were and are content to let it happen.

The only solution at this stage is a massive America-First takeover of the House and Senate in 2022 to neutralize the damage already caused and reverse it, and an America-First Presidency beginning in 2024. The only way either of those things can happen is if the American people are vigilant and DEMAND that our states secure our elections. Otherwise, we must brace for impact as our decline concludes with a crash.