Government Gangsters: Kash Patel Joins American Ground Radio To Discuss His New Book

On Thursday, Sep. 21st, American Ground Radio was joined by a former top official in the Trump White House, the Department of Defense, the Intelligence Community, and the Department of Justice Mr. Kash Patel to discuss his latest book exposing the bad actors who worked to thwart the Trump administration: Government Gangsters.

Stephen Parr: Welcome back to American Ground Radio. I'm Stephen Par with Lewis R. Avallone.

Louis R. Avallone: So Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has freefall to fifth place in CNN's latest poll from New Hampshire. And look, I'm not here to beat up on Ron DeSantis. Okay?

Stephen Parr: Okay.

Louis R. Avallone: Nice guy. I think he's done a great job in the state of Florida. But I will say this, there is no credible second place or runner-up for the nomination from the Republican Party at this point.

Stephen Parr: There is no second place. It is Donald Trump and we're done.

Louis R. Avallone:  It's going to be Donald Trump. And so for all of those never-Trumpers out there, including many RINO Republicans…

Stephen Parr: Mitt Romney…

Louis R. Avallone: Bill Cassidy… He's going to be the nominee.

Stephen Parr: He is going to be the nominee.

Louis R. Avallone: So now what? And see, this is where I think things are going to get even more serious with respect to these indictments because I think the Democrats are going to grow increasingly more desperate and fearful that everything that they've done to this point has not separated this man from his supporters from, but it's not about the man. This is what they don't understand. You cannot separate the message from the American people. That's what is so resilient here.

Stephen Parr: And the number one reason people are trying to blame DeSantis for his collapse and all these other things. No, the number one reason why DeSantis support fell was because people went from DeSantis to Trump. It's not like they went from DeSantis to Kash Patel, we're going to talk to him in a minute, to Vivek Ramaswamy or to Nikki Haley or anybody else. They went from DeSantis to Trump. And the reason was they saw the injustice against Donald Trump. And their support of Donald Trump is more for the people who were considering Ron DeSantis. It's more about a rejection of the left's attempt to use the Justice Department to commit injustice against Donald Trump than it is a rejection of Ron DeSantis policies or even his personality.

Louis R. Avallone: Exactly.

Stephen Parr: And as the problem for the Republican Party at this point. Yes. I think Donald Trump's going to be the nominee. I think this is unprecedented. There's so many things about campaign. It's unprecedented. But the problem is he very well could be in jail by May. He very well could be in prison by May, and having to run for president, he's going to have to accept.

Louis R. Avallone:Well, if that happens, that 72% of Americans who believe we're drifting toward an authoritarian state, it may run up to 99%.

Stephen Parr: Okay. I had as mentioned Kash Patel on my, because Kash Patel used to work in the Trump administration. In the Trump administration. He's written a couple of books and I thought maybe we could talk to him today. Well, you've got his number. Call him mom. Alright. And joining us now, author Kash Patel. Welcome to American Ground Radio, sir.

Kash Patel: Hey, thanks so much for having me on the program.

Stephen Parr: We're excited you've got a new book coming out. The book is called Government Gangsters. Now I don't have the book in my hand yet, but I've looked at a cover of it and it's got you. You're walking out, you got this cool suit on. You're walking out from the helicopter there on the White House lawn. And I'm thinking this does not look like a children's book because you've written two children's book, A Plot Against the King and Plot against the King too. This doesn't look like a children's book at all.

Kash Patel:Well, the mission with the book was to educate the American public on not just that the deep state exists, where it exists and who it is, and the roadmap to obliterate the deep state together. That's the main focus of the book. And my friends told me, if you got a cool photo, put it on the cover. But here's the cool thing. I took out all the government garbage, DC language and made it so anybody in, everybody in everyday America can understand what we're talking about because only DC wants to keep you out and we need everybody to help us destroy the swamp. And that's why I wrote the book.

Stephen Parr: And you got a chance to look at this from the inside. When you worked in the Trump administration and some of the things that you worked on, I mean, you saw some of the impeachment stuff that went on, how the Deep State went after the President that way. What were you surprised about the most by working in the Trump administration,

Kash Patel: The amount of Republicans and Trump appointees that obstructed the mission of the Commander-In-Chief more so than the Democrats and the mainstream media. I know that sounds shocking, but I probably named more government gangsters in my book that are Republicans than Democrats. There's actually an index of them in the back, which is kind of cool. So they're getting put on blast and rightfully so for failing the American public. But I couldn't believe I was working just as hard to fight and kill terrorists as I was to fight off government gangsters like Gina Hasell, Mark Esper, Bill Barr, Pat Pallone, and so many other people that felt they had the authority somehow to override a duly elected president and the mission the American people sent them to Washington for because they wanted their headlines and not him. And they wanted the big check from the swamp when they left their government post. This is the DC Swamp entrenchment and it's not Republican or Democrat. It's just deep state.

Louis R. Avallone: And that's what I was going to ask you is why do you think that was the case? You say you seem to be fighting Republicans even harder than Democrats who were obstructing President Trump's mission with his administration. I mean, is it because they felt like they were entitled to make these decisions instead of this guy that seemingly came out of nowhere, didn't pay his dues, so to speak, wasn't part of the Washington crowd? I mean, am I getting close there?

Kash Patel: I think you're more than close. I think that's a lot of it because the Washington crowd and the Defense industrial complex, for example, I talked about taking them out in my book in large part because they're funding these forever boondoggles and the next war in the Ukraine instead of taking care of our veterans and our teachers and our educators and our schools and our bridges and a million other things. These people have a cyclical process where they go into the swamp and they promise they're overlords in the deep state and the defense industrial complex. Whatever you want, we'll get it for you. Just give me my golden parachute on the way out. And Mark Esper, for example, d o d Secretary of Defense under Trump went back into the Raytheon Defense Industrial Complex is making zillions of dollars now. And who do you think got some of the biggest contracts when Mark Esper was Secretary of Defense?

Of course those guys did. And it's examples like that where money doesn't lie, where we can show the American people, we have to stop this rotation of government morass in DC and we have to gaslight these people with the truth so that they are never brought back into the swamp to overtake a duly elected president. They couldn't believe that Donald Trump, an outsider, was getting the job done. That so many presidents and people before him had said they would do, but failed. They couldn't believe Donald Trump ended the forever worse, killed Al-Qaeda. Senior leadership wiped out the emirs of ISIS, secured our border, took on the drug traffickers took on Russia and China and Iran, and our economy was booming. They couldn't believe he was able to do that, so they had to shut him down.

Stephen Parr: Kash Patel, you've also got two children's books. We've got about 30 seconds left Plot against the King, plot against the King too. That doesn't quite sound like children's content, but you've made it.

Kash Patel: So Yeah, Look, history has to be taught to kids and the radical left doesn't get to choose it. Plot against the King is Russiagate for kids, but it's also a primer for adults who don't know what happened. We took real life characters and put 'em right in the book and Plot Against the King too is how to prevent elections from being rigged again and to show and teach kids that the mainstream media doesn't always tell the truth. We got to go out and find our own facts and yeah, get the books for the holidays. You're going to love them. Government I did sign copies. I did four and a half tons of signed copies. Help me get rid of them at,

Stephen Parr: Kash Patel, thank you so much for spending some time with us here on American Ground Radio. We appreciate you, sir.

Kash Patel: Thank you my friend. See you soon.