Tucker Carlson vs the NSA

There's a very disturbing story that's continuing to develop around Tucker Carlson. Last week, on his show, Tucker alleged that he was being spied on by the NSA - our own federal government. He said the government spy agency had read his emails and leaked them to other news agencies in an effort to discredit him.

The NSA kind of denied it. In a tweet the NSA said, "Tucker Carlson has never been an intelligence target of the Agency, and the NSA has never had any plans to try to take his program off the air." 

Notice, their statement didn't say they hadn't read his emails and it didn't say they hadn't leaked his emails to his competitors.

So, last night, on his show, Tucker Carlson said, “Late this spring, I contacted a couple of people I thought could help get us an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. I told nobody I was doing this other than my executive producer, Justin Wells. I wasn't embarrassed about trying to interview Putin. He's obviously newsworthy. I'm an American citizen. I can interview anyone I want and I plan to.

”But still, in this case, I decided to keep it quiet. I figured that any kind of publicity would rattle the Russians and make the interview less likely to happen. But the Biden administration found out anyway, by reading my emails. I learned from a whistleblower at the NSA plan to leak the contents of those emails to media outlets. Why would they do that? Well, the point, of course, was to paint me as a disloyal American. A Russian operative. Been called that before.”

So, Tucker was trying to interview Vladimir Putin. He's a legitimate target of a news organization because he's the head of state of another nation. Tucker didn't do anything wrong there. Indeed, Putin has in the past been interviewed by numerous other U.S. Big Media companies, including ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN. That's not the problem. The problem is the NSA leaked Tucker's name and the contents of his email to other news agencies.

Again, from Tucker Carlson last night… “I was unmasked. People in the building learned who I was and then my name and the contents of my emails left that building at the NSA and wound up with a news organization in Washington. That is illegal. In fact, it is precisely what this law was designed to prevent in the first place. We cannot have intelligence agencies used as instruments of political control. Both parties used to agree on that. Democrats were especially adamant on the point, but not anymore.”

Now, I tend to be skeptical, even of things said by people I like. I know all of us are flawed, and so I like to try to check. I'm not interested in your truth, I'm interested in the Truth. So, I started looking at how other news agencies were covering this story.

ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and MSNBC aren't covering it at all.

Here's how Newsweek wrote about it... "Fox News host Tucker Carlson confirmed on his show Wednesday that earlier reports he was attempting to set up an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin were correct."

Wait, what the hell? That's what you got out of this?

Notice how Newsweek's first sentence in their article corroborates Tucker's main claim, that his emails were leaked by the NSA to other news agencies in an attempt to discredit him. That's exactly the tone of Newsweek's top line. "Earlier reports he was attempting to set up an interview" with Putin means Newsweek found out about those attempts somehow before Tucker mentioned it on air last night. So, is Newsweek complicit in the illegal activity by the NSA in helping them spy on a fellow journalist?

What the hell, Newsweek? Why are you more concerned that Carlson was trying to interview Putin than you are that the Federal Government was actively spying on an American Journalist in violation of the law and the U.S. Constitution?

Axios did indeed report on Carlson’s request to interview Vladimir Putin earlier in the day on Wednesday. They also wondered about why that information became public. Newsweek did not, and that’s disturbing to anyone who still believes in honest journalism.

Remember this statement from Chuck Schumer in late 2016 - just before Donald Trump Took Office. On the Rachael Maddow show he said, “When you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday of getting back at you.”

The Democrats weaponized our nations intelligence agencies - the FBI, CIA, and the NSA. Those are now political tools of the Democrat party and they are filled with Democrat party operatives. You can add the IRS into that list. “They have six ways from Sunday of getting back” at Conservatives, and right now, their favorite tactic appears to be accusing conservatives of Russian Collusion. This from the same party that just allowed Putin to build his Nordstream Pipeline while killing the Keystone XL pipeline here in the U.S.

The party of Projection strikes again. Republicans and Conservatives have to fight back against this. The media obviously isn’t going to do it for us. We have no other choice.

Stephen Parr