Texas Democrats Run Away

58 Democrats have left the state of Texas to try to block an election integrity bill. The bill would expand early voting, require a voter ID on mail in ballots, eliminate drive-through voting and 24 hour voting (both of which were done in Houston/Harris County in 2020 - a county where we know Democrats were signing up dead people to vote.)

There are 149 members of the Texas House. You need 2/3rds for a quorum - or 100 representatives.

58 members of the House left the state, which means the House is 9 people short of a quorum.

They've done this before.

In 2003, Texas was working on a redistricting map. Democrats objected, but they were in the minority, and didn't have the votes to stop it. So, during the regular session, 52 Democrats in the House left the state for Oklahoma. That meant there wasn't a quorum in the House, and nothing else could get done. They stayed in Oklahoma for weeks until the time to take action on the redistricting bill had passed. They then returned to Texas.

Governor Rick Perry then called a special session, but the Democrats were able to block the bill using a 2/3rds rule. So, nothing got done. Perry then called a second special session. This time, because of the calendar, the Democrats couldn't use the 2/3rds rule, so instead, 11 Democrat Senators fled the state. This time to New Mexico .

They stayed in New Mexico for a month. Then, one Senator defected. John Whitmire (a Democrat from north Houston) came home, breaking the stalemate.

Perry called for a third special session, and the redistricting bill finally passed.

There are a couple of important points I want you to get from this.

First, the only ones who will be able to stop this are the Democrats. Abbott can't arrest them when they are out of state. The state can order the Texas Rangers to find them and arrest them, but they don’t really have that authority outside of the borders of the state.

So, how long can the Democrats stay out of state? Pretty long. They are fundraising off of this, and George Soros or some other socialist billionaire will probably pay to house them indefinitely. Someone has already paid for private jets to fly them out of state, and for charter busses to take them around D.C That is a change from 2003. In 2003, the Democrats who fled to Oklahoma did so mostly in their own cars and stayed at a Holiday Inn.. There’s big money backing the stunt this year.

Second, there are only two times in the history of the state of Texas when the Democrats fled. Look at what those two things have in common. The first time, in 2003, they didn't want Republicans to redraw the congressional district map. They knew the new map would take away some districts from them and give districts to the Republicans. And, it did.

The second time is now in 2021. This time they are fleeing to stop Republicans from taking away their opportunities to cheat during elections. 24 hour voting and drive through voting give the Democrats an easy way to cheat during elections, and as we've already talked about on this show, the Democrats did cheat in the Houston area, signing up dead people to vote. It's a lot easier for dead people to vote if you have 24 hour voting and drive through voting.

Both times Democrats fled the state of Texas, it was to stop a bill that would take away some of their own political power. The only thing Democrats really will stand up to is an effort to reduce their power! There have been lots of other bills Democrats didn't like and weren't going to be able to stop. But, they didn't flee the state. They only flee when there's a chance the law will take away their own personal power. What does that tell you about the character of these people?

There have been three other instances across the country of one party fleeing the state to stop a bill.

In 2011, Democrats fled Wisconsin to Illinois to stop a bill that would reduce the power of government unions - unions that give money to Democrats. That same year in Indiana, Democrats fled to stop a right to work bill. Again, unions give money to Democrats, so they fled to stop a reduction in their own power.

There's only one time in American history when Republicans pulled this stunt. That was in 2019 when Republicans fled Oregon to stop a Climate Change bill which would have hurt businesses across the state. The only time Republicans left it was to protect the people from the government. Every time the Democrats have done it was to protect themselves.

The next time a Democrat says they are fighting for you, you know that's a lie. The only thing they really fight for is themselves. This stunt proves it.

Stephen Parr