Senator John Kennedy Is Keeping America's Top Threat In Focus—#Bidenflation

The news cycle is dominated by Ukraine and Israel still, it is suffused with updates on the many legal challenges former President Trump is embroiled in. But what’s missing? What aren’t they talking about? What does the establishment media refuse to address? The fact that despite what the government continues to tell us: #Bidenflation isn’t getting better. It’s just slowed down and isn’t getting worse as quickly.

But you know who is sounding the alarm?

John. Neely. Kennedy.

Check out Kennedy’s speech to the Senate:

He said in part:

“Since President Biden has been in office consumer goods in the United States of America are up 177%.

Electricity is up 25% eggs are up 29% they're not going down folks even if inflation goes to zero those prices aren't going down.

Potato chips up 30% bread up 28% coffee 30% rice 26% Flour's up 28% milk 18% a half gallon of ice cream 21% chicken 20%

When you look at larger categories this is what's happening to the American people since President Biden took office since President Biden took office all goods and many services in the wealthiest country in all of human history are up 177%.

Foods up 20% housing is up 177% clothing is up 12% used cars and trucks are up 25% new cars and trucks are up 20% and mortgage rates are up 174%. 174%! Now some may be saying well but wages are going up too thank goodness in some cases wages have gone up but the average wage of the average American has gone down after inflation.

You don't look the best the the appropriate way to look at wage increases is not to look at the raw or the aggregate increase it's to it's looking at the the uh the in increase after inflation and if you take all of the average wage increases in the United States of America and you look at the average inflation in the United States of America workers have actually lost ground.

Workers today in November of 2023 are actually making less per hour after inflation than they were of February 2021 so don't let anybody tell you that wages have made up for this.

They haven't kept up with inflation and don't let anybody tell you Mr President that we're winning the war on high prices we are getting inflation down. No. Thanks, no thanks to the Biden Administration and quite frankly the United States Congress that's thanks to the Federal Reserve.

They have tightened interest rates which has hurt a lot of people. But they have gotten inflation down they've had to do it with one arm tied one arm tied behind their backs because the other way you attack inflation and the only way we've ever successfully gotten down is to have Congress do its part and that and reduce the rate of growth of spending and debt accumulation but we haven't done that we haven't done that that in fact since 2019.

The population of the United States of America is up 1.9% our country's grown 2% since 2019 you know how much our budget has grown 55% this inflation is man-made and the man's name is Joe Biden and and we need to address it so as we fight a a hostile World which day by day is becoming less safe for for the American people I don't want us to lose sight Mr President of another problem an equally important problem that is stealing the American dream and is called President Biden's inflation Mr President.”